A car accident is happening in front of you. What will you do? what should you do? in danger to try to assist the people in a car accident.

There are a couple of things that you should do when you see a car accident. Things that you can do to assist the people in the vehicles without putting yourself in danger.

Remember these, next time when you are witnessing a car accident:

Make sure that you are safe first, then stop

The first and most important thing that you can do, is to make sure that you are safe before you are stopping to assist. Make sure that your vehicle is parked in a safe zone and that you are turning on your hazard light.

This is a mistake that so many people are making when they came across a car accident. They are stopping right away and run to assist. Not thinking about their safety or the safety of your family that might be with you in the car. If the accident is at night, you should make sure that you are clear from the accident area and that you are parked on the side of the road. You don’t want to make things worse or cause another car accident.

Call the emergency services

Before you are running out of your vehicle to check on the victims, you should call the emergency services first. They need to get on the scene to assist with the crash and to make sure that the flow of the traffic is monitored.

You might wonder if you should check on the victims to see if they need medical attention, but it is more important to get the right emergency services on the scene as fast as possible. This can mean the difference between life and death for them.

Check on the victims and make sure that they are safe

With the emergency services on the way, you can now go and check on the victims of the vehicles to see if they are okay and if they need some assistance. If there are small children that are scared, this might be the time now to reassure them that everything is going to be fine. Even, if it seems like there is someone deceased in the vehicle.

Don’t move someone who seriously injured

The one thing that you should not do, is to move a victim that is seriously injured. This can make their injuries worst. The only time that you can move a patient is if the vehicle is starting to burn, or when the vehicle is positioned in such a way that it can be life-threatening for the victims. And, then you should still try to move them as smooth as possible, supporting their neck and backs.

When you need to remove them from the vehicle, you should get them to safety and lie them down on a solid surface. You should then cover them with a blanket and support their neck and back until emergency services arrive. Make sure that they are out of danger before you lie them down.

Assist victims if they need immediate medical help if you are qualified

If you have medical experience, this might now be the time to see if you can assist with some minor injuries or CPR until the emergency services arrive. But, you need to have real medical experience before you can really assist anyone.

When someone thinks that they have medical knowledge, if they don’t really have, it can hurt the victim even more and put them in danger. You should make sure that you have real medical experience before you are going to assist them. When the emergency services arrive, you should make way so that they can take over. You can tell the medical team what you have done to the patient. This will make it easier for the medical team to continue.

Call the police

More than likely when you called for EMS, police were notified as well. However, if no police are on the scene, call them. The police need to come out and write up an accident report. This will tell who was at fault and if any citations were issued. The accident report will also list all witnesses and passengers in both cars.

Give a full statement to the police

Now, that everything is calmer and the emergency personnel is on the scene and the victims taking care off, you can’t climb back into your vehicle and drive off. You will need to wait until you have given a full statement to the police.

They will want to know what you have seen and what the reason for the car accident might have been. You also will need to give all your personal information if they need to contact you later on. This is especially essential to give a true and full statement when there are serious injuries or even deaths because of the accident. You can drive, once the emergency services say that you can go and that they will contact you in the future.

Things that you should not do after a car accident

There are a couple of things that you should not do during a car accident. Things that can make things just worse, putting the victims in more danger or putting yourself in danger. These are some of the things that you should not do when you witness a car accident.

In short: What you should do when you witness an accident

To make sure that you remember what you should do when you do witness a car accident:

• Make sure that you are safe and stop on the side of the road

• Calling the emergency services

• Making sure that the victims are fine

• Remove them only when their lives are in danger

• Giving medical assistance if you have medical experience until emergency services arrive

• Give a full and correct statement to the police and making sure that your personal information is correct.

When you see a car accident happen in front of your eyes, you might be in shock for fernandopecx919.image-perth.org/5-lessons-about-carpal-tunnel-laser-surgery-you-can-learn-from-superheroes a moment or two. And, then you realize that you need to do something. The one thing that is important is to know exactly what you should do and what you should not do when you see a car accident occur.

Do not put yourself or your family’s lives in danger and you should make sure that you are calling the emergency services before you are doing anything else. By knowing this info, might mean that you can save someone’s live next time when you see a car accident happen in front of you.

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15 reasons why you shouldnt ignore doctor after car accident

Understanding Car Crash-Related Head Injuries

Have you ever wondered why concussed football players insist that they “feel fine” and beg their coaches to let them back in the game? The answer is twofold, and rather surprisingly, it sheds considerable light on car crash head injuries.

The brain often conceals its own trauma injuries. Basically the same thing happens when the brain buries painful memories deep in the subconscious. So, when these players say the “feel fine,” they are not lying. Many times, they are quite literally feeling’ no pain.

Furthermore, injuries trigger adrenaline releases. This brain chemical is essentially a natural painkiller. Once it wears off, injured people experience the full, painful effect of their head injuries.

This same process occurs after car accidents, especially since today’s cars prevent many surface lacerations, particularly at low speeds. This video is a good illustration. But notice how much the 2015 crash dummy is tossed about during the simulated wreck. That motion, and not a laceration, is what causes the serious crash-related head injuries detailed below.

Even at a relatively low speed, the crash dummy’s head violently pounded into the airbag and then suddenly rolled back at a very awkward angle. At higher speeds, the effect is much worse. That sudden forward-and-backward motion almost always causes whiplash.

The good news is that this head injury is almost never life-threatening. But that’s about the only good news. The nerves in the lower neck, especially the cervical nerves, are highly susceptible to injury. There are no bones, and very few muscles, to protect them.

Additionally, whiplash is a soft-tissue injury. These kinds of wounds do not show up on X-rays and other common diagnostic tests. That does not mean these injuries are made up. It just means they are invisible to current medical technology.

Initial whiplash symptoms include serious headaches and some neck pain. Soon afterwards, the headaches become almost migraine-like and the pain radiates down the shoulders and into the arms and hands. Pain of that magnitude makes it almost impossible to function.

The bottom line is that whiplash is a serious injury which is almost always caused by car crashes and is difficult to diagnose. Those are three very good reasons to not just go to the doctor after a car crash regardless of how you feel. That doctor needs to be a professional who focuses on whiplash and other car crash injuries. Another doctor may simply tell you to take two and call me in the morning. That treatment may help you feel better for a while, but it does nothing to address the problem.


Let’s return to the football example mentioned above. Until recently, most doctors thought that violent hits caused most concussions. But the latest research indicates that less-severe hits may cause concussions as well. In fact, a player may have a concussion even if traditional symptoms, like partial loss of consciousness (having one’s “bell rung”) and vomiting, are absent.

Or, think about eggs. It’s possible to scramble an egg without breaking the shell. Your brain and your skull are the same way. The brain is basically liquid mass. When outside forces shake the skull, the brain smashes against the bone.

Car crashes are a concussion double whammy. Researchers now believe that sudden loud noises might also cause brain injuries. Things like explosions trigger shock waves which disrupt brain functions. Researchers believe this shock wave might be like a biological Electromagnetic Pulse.

Like whiplash, concussions are normally not life-threatening. But also like whiplash, many concussions have a number of very serious symptoms, including:

  • Seizures,
  • Trouble sleeping,
  • Personality changes,
  • Depression,
  • Memory loss, and
  • Trouble concentrating.

These symptoms, and others like them, make it difficult or impossible to function at work or home.

Concussions are mild traumatic brain injuries. Someday soon, doctors may be able to use stem cells and other advanced treatments to reverse brain injuries. But right now, these injuries are always permanent. Once brain cells die, they never regenerate.

Prolonged and targeted physical therapy can ease the symptoms. Again, this treatment should come from an experienced car crash medical professional. During brain injury physical therapy, progress is not always a straight upward line. It comes in fits and starts. So, knowing the right exercises is not enough. The therapist must also motivate the patient without resorting to obvious tricks or sounding like a cheerleader.

That’s not to diminish the importance of targeted physical therapy. This process is actually relational as opposed to physical. The therapist must understand the patient’s needs and goals.


Car crashes are very unsettling, to say the least. Things like flashbacks and heightened awareness are normal for at least the first few Click here for info days. However, if these symptoms persist, make sure your car crash injury physician is aware of the situation. Long-term behavior is usually a symptom of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Like whiplash and concussions, PTSD is a soft tissue injury. Nevertheless, it is a physical brain injury and not a “processing disorder.” The latest research clearly shows that exposure to extreme stress erodes the neocortex. That erosion upsets the delicate balance between the neocortex and amygdala, which is the part of the brain that controls emotional responses.

Think of the neocortex and amygdala as a rider and a rather wild horse. As long as the rider is strong, the horse stays under control. But if the rider gets weak, the horse may run out of control. That explains why PTSD victims suffer symptoms like:

  • Heightened awareness,
  • Flashbacks, and
  • Nightmares.

As mentioned, it’s impossible to rebuild the neocortex. Once brain cells die, they are gone forever. But physical therapy can train other, non-injured parts of the brain to assume the lost functions. Nothing can replace even one neocortex cell, but a therapist knows how to bring the amygdala back under control.

This caliber of physical therapy is not cheap. But an experienced attorney can take on the insurance company and obtain needed financial compensation for victims. Your attorney works with your doctor to ensure that you keep receiving the treatment you need.

If you were in a serious car crash, you almost certainly sustained a serious head injury. We are here to help.

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How long will I be sore after my car accident

How long are you going to be hurting after a car wreck

You may be asking yourself how long will I be sore after a car accident. You may be sore right away or not feel any soreness at all, until a couple days after the car accident.Auto accidents can cause severe to slight injuries. How long you are sore after a car wreck depends on many factors.

The type of injury you sustained has a lot to do with how long you will be sore after you car wreck. You may have suffered broken bones or have soft tissue injuries. No matter what injury you have suffered, you need to seek medical attention ASAP after you have been involved in an auto accident.

Soreness areas after an auto accident (soft tissue)

  • Arm Pain
  • Back Pain
  • Contusions (bruising)
  • Headaches
  • Leg Pain
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Neck Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Whiplash

Injuries that are a direct result of a car accident have an impact of how sore you will be and how long it will last. Proper medical care can prevent soreness and pain

If you have been driving for quite some time and not experienced a car wreck, you are lucky. However, there is a probable chance to be in one at any point in time, so it’s better to be aware of the medical attention needed after you have been injured in a car wreck.

Injuries suffered in car wrecks

A car wreck leads to different kinds of impact on the body. If you are lucky (i.e. if you were wearing a seat belt and your car had an airbag) these injuries are not to severe. However, any injury requires immediate medical attention.

Injuries relating to an accident are two types:

Soft tissue injuries

This is when the car wreck has caused an injury to the weaker areas of the body such as the tendons, muscles and the ligaments. These injuries can be in the form of sprains, bruises or strains. An injury to the soft tissues results in soreness and stiffness which cause great pain. Soft tissue injury occurs in auto accidents, but can occur with other activities such as sports, aircraft accidents, etc. . The more severe the collision, the greater the force felt, the higher the chances of injury to the victims.

The more severe the collision, the greater the force felt and higher the chances of a soft tissue injury to the victims.

How long you are sore following the soft tissue injury depends on the impact of the car accident. Ice packs, pain killers, and muscle relaxers can help you function, but they will not heal anything. Ice packs, rest, compression, elevation, are used to treat the soreness. Physical Therapy from a PT or Chiropractor can be utilized to help with the soreness. However, it is always advised to seek medical attention to rule out fractures and internal bleeding.


A very common type of damage that occurs during an accident is that of a whiplash. This is an injury that affects the neck and the head due to the sudden back and forth of the neck as a result of the accident. The injury results in soreness of the neck, sharp pain in the neck and discomfort in the back. In the case of a whiplash, the pain is not only felt immediately but also emerges regularly in the next few days following the accident.

The soreness of the neck may seem very minor, but if not treated properly it can result in an even more issues further down the road. If ignored the victim may experience extreme discomfort to the point that regular movement may get affected. Treatment of whiplash includes direct spine and neck manipulation, ice, heat.

Broken Bones

How sore you will be after you have broken a bone in a car accident may depend on what you broke. Broken bones may require surgery to set. Pins or rods may be used to set a broken bone. How long you will be sore after a broken bone depends on what bone you broke and how long it takes to heal.

Common broken bones in car accidents

  • Arm
  • Ribs
  • Sternum
  • Legs

A broken Tibia will require surgery to fix and you will be sore for quite some time. If you suffered a broken rib, you may find yourself sleeping in a recliner. Broken ribs may stay sore for 4-6 weeks. Unless your rib punctured soft tissue, there is not a lot a doctor can do for a broken rib other than to tell you it is broken. Broken bones can initially be very painful. You may be sore for quite some time during the healing process.

Factors upon how Find more information sore you will be

The intensity of the soreness and the pain experienced depends upon the following factors:

  • The speed of the vehicle
  • The size of the vehicle
  • The use of seat belts
  • Airbag Deployment
  • Where the car was hit.
  • severity of injury

After the accident : medical care

The post accident care

70% of people involved in a auto crash that saw a doctor experience pain and are sore for up to six weeks after the car accident; for those that did not receive medical attention those numbers are much higher.

The car crash is over in a matter of seconds, but as mentioned above, the effects stay for a while and can impact one for an extended period of time. It is for this reason, a medical checkup is made essential after a car wreck to assess possible hidden injuries and provide treatment to those injuries as quickly as possible.

When you see a doctor right after a car accident, he is going to check a number of things. They may do X RAYS, MRI, or a CT. These imaging services can tell the doctor if he is dealing with a broken bone or soft tissue injuries. An accident doctor is going to recommend a treatment plan that will help you from staying sore and reduce your pain.

It’s important to follow the doctor’s advice and stay on your treatment plan. In some cases the patient will quit going to the doctor. If you have a personal injury case, this could be detrimental to it. Before quitting your treatment plan it’s important to talk to your doctor or attorney and explain why you want to quit.

How long will i be sore

How long you are sore after a car wreck depends on many factors. Every car accident is different, injuries suffered from auto accidents can be mild to severe. Your soreness level will depend on if you see a doctor. If you never see a doctor after a car wreck, there is no doubt you will be sore longer than someone who did visit a doctor and receive treatment for their injuries To put a definitive answer on how long you are sore would depend on the severity of the accident and the severity of your injuries.

You age and past medical conditions

It also may include  you age, any current or past medical conditions you may have had. Putting a number on how you will be sore is very hard to do, it has everything to do with the individual that was injured in the car wreck.

No matter how many precautions you take to avoid an accident, they are prone to happen. They can occur at a daily frequency with a number of people falling prey to reckless driving, following to close, distracted driving, driving to fast for conditions, DUI. These accidents can cause heavily damaged cars to impacts that barely show any visible signs of damage.  It is unfortunate to be in an auto accident as the injuries following can be severe and emotionally traumatizing too.

You will be sore after you have been involved in a car accident, how long depends of many factors. The soreness you feel may be ligaments and tendons that have stretched beyond their range of motion. Your body type or previous medical conditions may have an impact on how long you will be sore after you car accident.


If you have been driving for quite some time and not experienced a car wreck, you are lucky. However, there is a probable chance to be in one at any point in time you will be involved in an auto accident. So, it’s better to educate yourself as to what you need to after the auto accident and the medical care you need to take afterwards.

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Where to attend get had a look at after an automobile collision

If you have been involved in car accident, the first thing you must do is to get checked out by a certified physician. Looking for immediate medical care will help you understand if your injuries are serious or minor. Furthermore, hold-ups in treatment could be utilized versus you by the insurance company, and may cause additional discomfort and suffering. Not to mention, in states that offer PIP protection, if you wait too long to see a doctor, you might find yourself paying for the medical expenses.

Paperwork is your finest defense after a car mishap. We recommend taking photos of whatever at the scene of the car wreck, and make certain to get a copy of the accident report. You can not have excessive documentation. After all, your injury claim will be largely figured out by the extent of your injuries and the treatment required.

Should I go to the ER after my mishap?

You must get checked out by a medical professional right away following any bus, bike, slip and fall or car accident. If you can not find a good accident physician in your location, then you might require to go to the Emergency Room. Going to Emergency charlieapmu242.page.tl/10-Reasons-Why-Having-An-Excellent-Belfort-Injury-Is-Not-Enough.htm Room might appear like a wild-goose chase to some people. Nevertheless, the ER is well equipped to diagnose severe injuries utilizing X-Ray, MRI, CT scans and other imaging. More importantly, the ER will document your injuries to assist satisfy the insurance company and assist support your accident claim.

Make sure to inform the ER that your injuries are due to an auto accident. There have actually been some cases where the victim did not let the medical professional understand how they were hurt. Car accident cases use what is called third party billing that includes vehicle insurance coverage, PIP, Medication Pay, No Fault and letters of protection from an injury lawyer. Whereas, many ER Medical professionals will commonly deal with both mishap and non-accident patients.

How soon should I get taken a look at after my vehicle mishap?

Lots of PIP states have an optimal time limit for getting treatment after a major crash. We typically recommend seeking treatment within 72 hours both to prevent additional injuries however also to help support your personal injury claim. The insurer will watch those first few weeks closely to see if you look for treatment. Clients who do not seek treatment after a vehicle mishap are typically not seriously hurt, and for that reason do not require extensive treatment.

Keep in mind that lots of clients will delay treatment in the hopes that their injuries will merely go away with time, rest and a couple of pain relievers. Nevertheless, this belief is most likely false as numerous accident injuries are considered soft tissue damage. Whiplash and numerous soft tissue injuries can take numerous days and even weeks to feel, and can cause long-term discomfort if not effectively treated. Delays and gaps in treatment put your health and healing at risk, and might harm your injury case.

Should I get an attorney before seeking medical care after my vehicle mishap?

Numerous states will need you to use a lawyer after any vehicle accident. Non-PIP states generally require a Letter of Defense to spend for medical costs. A LOP basically guarantees payment for any medical services offered. Payments will take place when a settlement is reached on your accident case, which is frequently managed by an Injury Lawyer. A LOP can be deemed a lien that the Medical professional holds against a portion of the settlement funds received for the accident.

In general, we recommend asking your Medical professional about the pros and cons of using a lawyer after any car accident. Every state differs for injury claims, and your Physician will help you compare a great and bad attorney. Additionally, your Doctor and lawyer will collaborate throughout the case. Having a great relationship between your Physician and attorney can help accelerate your case.

Should I still seek treatment if I do not feel pain?

The simple answer is YES! You must look for instant medical care after any accident for numerous factors. One, your body is in a weakened state after any accident. This makes you susceptible to extra injuries and permanent damage if not properly dealt with. Two, documentation is vital to any accident to assist satisfy the insurer and to help support your personal injury claim.

Moreover, whiplash and lots of other mishap injuries are considered soft tissue damage. Soft tissue injuries can take days or even weeks or feel, and can result in long-lasting damage if left neglected. Appropriate treatment and documentation of your injuries is the best way to accelerate your recovery while supporting your injury claim.

Common symptoms after a car mishap might be:

  • Whiplash

  • Neck and back pain
  • Neck Discomfort
  • Tingling experience
  • Feeling numb
  • Headaches
  • Problem concentrating
  • Stress
  • Spasms
  • Shoulder Discomfort
  • Arm Discomfort
  • Dizziness
  • Leg Pain
  • Problem Sleeping
  • Sprains
  • Stress contusions (bruising).
  • Anxiety.
  • Muscle Weak point.
  • Ask the Physician Questions prior to getting had a look at.

    When first getting had a look at for an automobile accident, make sure that the Doctor accepts 3rd party billing prior to accepting treatment. As pointed out, third party billing is a generally used term to describe all accident payment alternatives. Numerous Physicians, including most family PCPs, will not accept 3rd party billing for treatment.

    Next, assume that your Doctor knows nothing and ask concerns. Understanding is better than not. Every accident is various and numerous injuries need specific medical care. We see individuals who avoid asking concerns or explaining their medical and discomfort needs. Clients frequently believe that medical professionals are unapproachable, which couldn't be more false. Physicians are there to assist and would happily invite any concerns you have.

    You can never ask too many questions when you have an auto associated injury. Be informed about the medical choices. Make certain that whatever is proper. We see a lot of gaps in treatment and individuals who do not follow the physician's suggestions. Delays and spaces in treatment could wind up costing your cash in the long-term. See a physician ASAP if you have been hurt in a car accident. If we do not have actually a doctor listed in your area, Contact us.

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What Is Really A Trauma Expert

Injury Expert

An injury professional helps individuals looking for treatment in everything from knee injuries to car accidents, workers compensation to neck discomfort. Medical professionals that are trained to deal with these kinds of injuries are sometimes called injury professional. The majority of their practice is dedicated to helping those who have actually been injured. These back injury doctor are doctors who concentrate on injury.

The Medical professional who oversees the accident or car mishap is the essential to your case. Why are they an essential factor in your case? Your injury should be properly diagnosed and documented. After you have been diagnosed, correct rehabilitation or physical treatment ought to be done. If everything is not correctly done, you might not have the best outcome for your auto injury case.

Who is a Mishap Injury Professional?

An injury professional can be a number of different medical professionals. What makes them different is their ability to recognize and determine the degree of your injuries and recommend the ideal treatment plan for those injuries. They can treat a range of vehicle related injuries.

These injuries might be:

  • Whiplash

  • Neck and back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Herniated disc injuries

How they assist you after a vehicle mishap

Medical professionals who concentrate on injury aid you and your legal representative after you have been injured in a cars and truck mishap. They offer the legal representative with documents that shows your injury was a direct result of the automobile accident.

It is much more difficult for an attorney to do his task if the injured party never looks for healthcare from an injury professional. These medical professionals are located on our website for your convenience. All you need to do is call them. If we do not have one noted in your location, contact us instantly.

Injury professional can be:

  • Medical doctors
  • Orthopedics
  • Physical therapist
  • Discomfort management doctors
  • Neurologists
  • Chiropractic doctors

Mishap Physician is comprised of doctors for your Auto Accident injury, Accident or on the job injury claim. We have a complete Network of Doctors, Employees payment Medical professionals, Automobile Mishap Doctors and injury doctors. All of these doctors are thought about to be injury professional. We supply Medical help for the hurt. Let us help you find your injury professional.